Public policies and business actions in the passenger public bus market
Bus, Policies, Concentration, Decisions, BusinessmenAbstract
The role of sectorial policies is a prominent factor in the studies about the concentration
process that takes place in the public bus market of the Metropolitan Region of
Buenos aires. However, it is not the only one. The policies are not implemented in homogeneous
fields. in them, actors with heterogeneous cultures and different social profiles
act, whom represent and value the policies in different ways. The opinions,
representations and differentials of power affect business decision-making and the dynamics
of accumulation. it doesn ́t respond mechanically to the institutional framework
in which economic actions take place. For arguments sake, data sources were analyzed:
newspapers, specialized magazines, official documents, specific regulations of the sector
and academic studies. A base was also built with the companies that provided services
between 2009 and 2018, and interviews were held with businessmen, public
officials and representatives of the sectorial chambers.
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