The crisis in CABA seen from energy consumption and crossed by the pandemic
Energy, CABA, Consumption, Pandemic, Industrial activityAbstract
The level of energy consumption in argentina, and possibly in all countries of the world, depends on household consumption and the level of activity in the productive sectors. This article analyzes, as a case study, the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (CABA), where consumption is mainly of residential users and its variability strongly depends on the temperatures. Ur work focuses on commercial, industrial and, to a lesser extent, compressed natural gas (CNG) users. The consumption of these users is strongly linked with the level of activity. As a result of the study it emerges that the challenge of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is not only to get out of the pandemic, but to reverse a declining trend, because the general macroeconomics of the Cambiemos government during 2018 and 2019 affected all the cities of the country, even the richest. Thus, not only are there fewer industrial and commercial gas users in the city, but those remaining, on average, consume less.
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