Tensions and conflicts for development. The forestry sector of the Chaco province
Economic development, Culture, Geography, History, ExtractivismAbstract
Within the framework of the analysis of endogenous development processes, this paper studies the relations of power and competitiveness, of the public policies of the province of chaco in the forestry sector, involved in a globalized context. the valorization of the territory will be fundamental for the construction of a thinking from the regional realities, taking into account the resources and factors, the interrelation between them, the historical heritage, the local culture, the common and opposed interests. The existence of subjectivities makes the heterogeneous nature of the territories, since each of these has a combination of factors, typical of their historical cultural processes, they differ from a global characteristic, and then there will be as many paths towards development
as there are territories. In order to retrace the path traveled by the Forestry sector of the province of chaco, we will seek to understand whether the axis of political praxis managed to modify the material bases centered on processes of sociocultural transformation, or rather focused on the economy as a predominant social sphere, containing the social tensions of the form of materialistic reproduction of the world economic system.
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