Foreign currency savings as an industrial policy goal


  • Martín Burgos


Currency, Industry, Imports, Exports, Development


In the present paper, we propose a methodology to carry out an industrial policy oriented towards the saving of foreign currencies, one of the main problems of the argentine economy, which was exacerbated since 2011. Being a novel approach, we refer to several classic texts of industrial economy, in particular the period of import substitution, when the authors face similar situations, in different circumstances. This is the culmination of some reflections that began in the ceFidaR in 2013 and then were applied to the industry of tierra del Fuego in a work done for the Ministry of industry, when the external constraint became increasingly pressing. its updating and publication take place within the framework of the numerous discussions on the public policies to be followed in order to reverse the process of indebtedness and worsening of the external sector that took place during the Macri government.

Author Biography

Martín Burgos

Licenciado en economía (UBA) y Master en la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS-París, Francia). Doctorando en Desarrollo Económico en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Coordinador del departamento de economía política del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación.

