Some features of small audio-visual production in Argentina


  • José Borello
  • Noelia Barberis Universidad Nacional de Rafaela
  • Rubén Ascúa Universidad Nacional de Rafaela


Audiovisual production, Small producers, Training, Insertion in the labor market


In this paper, small entrepreneurs, single-person firms and independent workers
involved in audiovisual production are characterized. This characterization includes
age, training, and aspects of their participation in the labor market. From a review of
the existing bibliography, premises are formulated and then contrasted with the results
of a survey of these productive units. The main conclusions are: (i) Respondents have
a broad educational background. (ii) This training is combined with a diversified insertion
in the labor market (this can be seen in the variety of roles they assume in film,
TV or advertising production). (iii) At the same time, a part of the respondents undertake
other work activities. (iv) The way in which the Argentine audiovisual production
system works is a central element to explain why some of the people have a relatively
precarious and unstable work insertion. (v) The functioning of this labor market promotes
the search for a broad education at the same time that people are impelled to
diversify their relationship with the market, assuming diverse roles in productions that
include film, TV, advertising and new screens.

Author Biographies

Noelia Barberis, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela

Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (UNRaf) Boulevard Roca 989, Rafaela,
Santa Fe

Rubén Ascúa, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela

Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (UNRaf) Bulevard Roca 989, Rafaela,
Santa Fe

