Commemorating the 100th anniversary of engineer H. Giberti's birthday

Eighth IADE Debate Conference -Open Professorship of Agrarian Studies "Agr. Horacio Giberti"


  • Benigno López MOCAFOR - FNC
  • Pedro Peretti COPROFAM / Grito de Alcorta
  • Martín Burgos Centro Cultural de la Cooperación
  • Natalia López Castro CONICET / IESEAC UNQ


Horacio Giberti, Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Agro-Industry, INTI, INTA, SENASA, CONICET


In present days, important changes in agrarian policies can be observed in comparison to what happened less than three years ago. A tax reduction policy for more concentrated sectors of agro-industrial chains prevails; a major part of conquered advances in relation to family agriculture has been destroyed; a setback concerning the demands of the so-called "Foreignization of the Land Bill" has begun; massive imports of primary or agro-industrial goods which were traditionally produced in or exported from our country have contributed to the structural deficit of the last two years' trade balance; important institutional areas linked to agro-industrial production -such as the Agro-Industry Ministry, INTI, SENASA and CONICET, amongst others -are being destroyed; macro-economic policies and the fall of real wages have contributed to accentuate the crisis in agrarian economies outside of the Pampas.The aim of this Eighth Debate Conference, 100 years after the birth of Horacio Giberti, is to examine the memory of his personality, life and work and to therefore build a framework for the analysis of today's agrarian situation.

Author Biographies

Benigno López, MOCAFOR - FNC

Campesino nacido y criado en la zona rural de Gral. Belgrano, Provincia de Formosa;  de cultura guaraní; co-fundador del Movimiento Campesino de Formosa (MoCaFor);  co-fundador del Frente Nacional Campesino (FNC); Militante social de la causa campesina, la soberanía alimentaria y la integración y emancipación de la Patria Grande.

Pedro Peretti, COPROFAM / Grito de Alcorta

Fundador del “Manifiesto Argentino” y del “Movimiento Arraigo”. Miembro de la Agrupación “Grito de Alcorta”. Ex secretario adjunto de COPROFAM. Ex director titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina. Autor de varios libros: “La Chacra Mixta”, “Quién mató a Francisco Netri”, “Chacareros, Soja y Gobernabilidad”, entre otros.

Martín Burgos, Centro Cultural de la Cooperación

Licenciado en economía (UBA) y Master en la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS-París, Francia). Doctorando en Desarrollo Económico en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Es coordinador del departamento de economía política del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación.

Natalia López Castro, CONICET / IESEAC UNQ

Lic. en Sociología (UNLP); Mg. en Estudios Sociales Agrarios (FLACSO); Dra. en Ciencias Sociales (UNQ). Investigadora asistente (CONICET)-Centro IESAC-UNQ. Docente investigadora del Depto. de Cs. Sociales-UNQ.

