Power relationships under the Macri administration


  • Gastón Varesi UNLP/CEFMA


Macri, State, Economy, Accumulation regime - Power relationships, Power relationships, Accumulation regime


In December 2015, the Cambiemos alliance won the presidential elections and quickly began to apply a number of public policies with a contrasting style in relation to the previous administration, executing thus profound reforms in the political, economic, ideological and social levels. This article aims to analyze the main transformations that happened throughout the capital-accumulation process, starting by three key conceptual cores: economic policies, economic variables and social classes, in the context of the power relationships that pierce through our society. In this search, the article is organized in different sections, with the objective of characterizing the features and the extent of economic policies during the first two years of the Macri government, analyzing its impact in economic structure and upon the different class segments.

Author Biography

Gastón Varesi, UNLP/CEFMA

Sociólogo, magíster y doctor en Ciencias Sociales, investigador asistente del Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS) del CONICET-UNLP. Profesor de grado y posgrado de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) y coordinador de la sede platense del Centro de Estudios y Formación Marxista H. P. Agosti (CEFMA)

