Rice Production Chain in Santa Fe. Disruptions and Continuities in the Evolution of Rice Production in Santa Fe in the Last Decade


  • María Fernanda Pujadas Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Rice, Evolution, Continuity, Disruptions, Santa Fe


Within the context of an economic model change starting in December 2015, this study analyzes the evolution of the rice production chain in Santa Fe over the past decade, identifying disruptions and continuities by comparing the sub-periods of 2011-2015 and 2016-2020. In a national economic crisis scenario, macroeconomic variables in the province followed a non-uniform trajectory: while between 2011 and 2015, the Gross Provincial Product (PBG) and the manufacturing industry grew by 10.7% and 10.9%, respectively, between 2016 and 2020, they declined by 7.6% and 14.8%. The study aims to determine whether this contrasting behavior of provincial aggregates is mirrored in the production of regional economies such as the rice industry. The research examines the evolution of variables such as production, milling, and exports while exploring the concentration process and employment generation. It emphasizes the significance of rice production for the departments where it occurs, despite its marginal role in the province.

Author Biography

María Fernanda Pujadas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Licenciada en Economía, docente e investigadora en el Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística (FCEyE) de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Se especializa en estudios sobre la evolución de las economías regionales de la provincia de Santa Fe (desde la década de 1990 hasta la actualidad) y en temas vinculados a los desequilibrios territoriales de la provincia. Doctoranda en Economía por el IIE de la FCEyE-UNR, Bulevar Nicasio Oroño 1261 (2000), Rosario, Argentina


