Socioeconomic effects of South America's insertion in value chains.
Evidence on employment, informality, education and gender
Socioeconomics effect, informality, education, gender, Value chains, South AmericaAbstract
In this study, we examine the socioeconomic effects of South America's integration into value chains. Specifically, we comparatively analyze socioeconomic variables such as employment, informality, educational level, and gender associated with productive integration resulting from foreign demand. The analysis utilizes the multiproduct inputoutput matrix (MIP) from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the year 2018, covering forty-five sectors, along with our compilation of sectoral labor statistics based on the exploration and harmonization of microdata for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Peru. The results indicate levels similar to the overall regional framework of labor conditions but reveal specificities concerning informality and women's participation based on technology, sectors, and destinations.
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