Annual Report on the Situation of Food Sovereignty in Argentina (IASSAA 2022)


  • Soraya Ataide Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta


Annual report, Food Sovereignty, Argentina


The first Annual Report on the Situation of Food Sovereignty in Argentina (IASSAA 2022) is the result of a collective work of systematization and analysis of primary and secondary information that recovers different dimensions linked to Food Sovereignty in the country. The objective of the report is to show a picture of the situation of Food Sovereignty in Argentina that allows comparisons to be made, year by year, weigh progress and setbacks, and propose short, medium, and long-term proposals. At the same time, that it serves as a tool for the design, execution and evaluation of public policies of production, distribution and consumption of food.
The initiative arises from the CALISAS Network -Red de Cátedras Libres de Soberanía Alimentaria y Colectivos Afines-, which brings together more than 60 spaces constituted in public universities, higher education institutions and social organizations committed to healthy, safe, tasty and sovereign food. . In these spaces there are teachers, researchers, students, members of social organizations, professionals, citizens concerned about the problems derived from the current hegemonic agri-food model, about the population and the environment, common goods, biodiversity, among others and that recognize the need to support the creation or strengthening of alternative forms to said model.

