Social security reform
Social security regime - Re-nationalization - AFJP – SIPA, Social Security Regime, Re-nationalization, AFJP, SIPAAbstract
This article aims to investigate which were the disputes that were generated over the Government's decision to bring the social security regime back to the State sphere in 2008. From the time of that decision on, the private system of Retirement and Pension Funds Administrators (AFJP), which had begun in the 1990's, was finalized, and a new and only State system for the distribution of retirement and pension funds was organized, which was conceived as a solidary regime, financed through intergenerational transference.
The author tries to track down and analyze, starting by secondary sources (such as newspapers, business entities' documents and the Official Bulletin), the tensions created among the most relevant social actors in economic terms by the reform.
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