State manufacturing of medicinal substances in Argentina as a State policy


  • Cristina Bramuglia Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Rosana Abrutzky Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani
  • Cristina Godio Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani


Health as a social good, State production of medicines, COVID-19, Collective health


This article makes a survey of the state production of pharmaceuticals and analyzes the possibility of supplying the public Health system of the nation and provinces with drugs used in this COVID-19 pandemic and for the basic pathologies of the population. There are currently 39 state laboratories with installed capacity and trained human resources. This research
analyzes the possibility of coordinating the production of drugs and vaccines through the work of these establishments. The objective is to provide information on state health establishments and the set of medicines that they can offer in a combined and coordinated way to the health system as a whole to face the current COVID-19 pandemic, based on the premise that argentina has the appropriate legislation to implement this type of public policy.

Author Biographies

Cristina Bramuglia, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Economía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Estudios de posgrado en la Maestría de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la UCLA. Profesora Adjunta del Seminario de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en la UBA

Rosana Abrutzky, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani

Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Magíster en Gestión Ambiental del IIGG-UBA, Pte. J.E. Uriburu 950, 6° piso (C1114AAD), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cristina Godio, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani

Farmacéutica por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Magíster en Salud Pública por la Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria por el IIGG-UBA, Pte. J.E. Uriburu 950, 6° piso (C1114AAD), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

