What is financial inclusion all about? Notes for a critical perspective


  • Luci Cavallero Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
  • Verónica Gago Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Celeste Perosino Banco Central de la República Argentina


Financial inclusion, Pandemic, Precarization, Economic violence, Crisis


The pandemic has helped to accelerate the process of precarization in the sectors of the population to which the new forms of financial inclusion are mostly directed through the collection of emergency subsidies. In this paper we propose to open the discussion on these proposals, on financial education that is announced in various areas, and on the context of the population to which they are addressed. In this sense, we wonder about the future of this inclusion once the emergency subsidies are no longer received, and about how these proposals –financed by multilateral organizations– are included in the discussion on the causes of the crisis. We do this from the theoretical and practical criticism of finance that the feminist perspective has deployed in recent years, and that has demonstrated and politicized the interconnection of economic violence and sexist violence, with special emphasis on the financial  violence of domestic indebtedness.

Author Biographies

Luci Cavallero, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)

Socióloga, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Integrante del Grupo de Investigación Intervención Feminista que depende de la UBA (GIIF-UBA) y docente en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Chacabuco 567 6º 42 (C1069AAK), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Verónica Gago, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la UBA. Integrante del GIIF-UBA. Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y docente en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) y en la UBA, Concepción Arenal 4220, Departamento 151 (C1427EKR), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Celeste Perosino, Banco Central de la República Argentina

Militante bancaria. A cargo de la Gerencia de Promoción de Políticas de Género, Resguardo del Respeto y Convivencia Laboral del Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA), Av. Independencia 409 2º C (C1099AAE), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

