Income distribution, wellness and deprivation in Argentina (1974/1993-2016)
Functional distribution, Personal Income Distribution, Wellness, PovertyAbstract
With the "administrative emergency" at INDEC finalized 31st December 2016 and now supplied with renewed information tools as well as the recently introduced methodological criteria, we are now equipped to evaluate to which degree the new evidence stemming from the National Statistics System (SEN) alter the image and evolution trends of the main indicators for income distribution, wellness and deprivation in Argentina. How do current national accounting estimates impact the waged participation in the generated income? Which is the level and which are the trends that the new estimates in regards to absolute wellness lay out? Which are the implications of changes in EPH and the new poverty methodology (with its evident gray areas) on the levels and evolution of absolute income deprivation in Argentina? These and other matters are addressed in this article, which aims to assist the making of a genuine diagnosis of past and current situation, and without which any initiatives oriented to improve life conditions of the population become a mere declaratory act.
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