Privileged Accumulation Spaces in Vaca Muerta? The case of Tecpetrol


  • Ignacio Sabbatella Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
  • Breno Nunes Chas Ministerio de Economía de la Nación


Privileged accumulation spaces, Tecpetrol, Shale gas, Vaca Muerta, Fortin de Piedra


The objective of this article is to investigate the performance of Tecpetrol, a subsidiary of the Techint group in the oil field, during the period 2016-2018. The working hypothesis is that the company was benefited by the formation of a privileged area of capital accumulation around the exploitation of the formation "Vaca Muerta". Through Resolution 46-E / 2017 of the former National Ministry of energy and mining, a program to stimulate unconventional gas production was created, to which Tecpetrol adhered with its shale gas production project at the Fortín de Piedra deposit. The program facilitated a productive leap and the obtaining of extraordinary profits by Tecpetrol with little entrepreneurial risk. The methodological strategy articulates the macro analysis, to determine the conformation of a Privileged Area of Accumulation (APA), and the micro analysis, through the case study of Tecpetrol. Different techniques are used ranging from bibliographic and documentary analysis to economic-financial analysis, and different sources, such as the specific bibliography on the subject, official statistical series and the accounting statements of the company.

Author Biographies

Ignacio Sabbatella, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)

Investigador del CONICET, con sede en el área de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Tucumán 1966, C1050 AAN, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Breno Nunes Chas, Ministerio de Economía de la Nación

Licenciado en Economía y maestrando en Gestión Económica y Financiera de Riesgos (FCE-UBA). Investigador del Departamento de Economía Política y Sistema Mundial del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación “Floreal Gorini”. Asesor de la Subsecretaría de Programación Microeconómica del Ministerio de Economía de la Nación, Hipólito Yrigoyen 250 (C1086 AAB), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

