Trade agreements and global struggles in the Trump era
TPP - TTIP - Pacific Alliance - Geostrategy - Globalism - Americanism, T, TPPAbstract
This article aims to establish the “globalist” geostrategy which guides the Trans-Pacific Partnership (known as TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in the midst of a hegemony crisis and a historical transition of World Order. The implications of TTP and TTIP are also analyzed as far as sove-reignty of the National States and certain characteristics of the accumulation model which said partnerships involve in relation to the analyzed geostrategy. The implications of the change in power relations in the US in favor of “Americanism” are also observed as well as those of Brexit in the United Kingdom, in detriment of the globalist geostrategy. Lastly, there is a succinct presentation of the impact of this situation on the projects for integration and autonomous development in Latin America.
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